[Miscellaneous – Book Lists] Group of serial book list publications. Including a partial file of Magic Collectors’ Bulletin (George Daily), V1 N1 (Mar. 1979) – V2 N4 (Dec. 1983) and Magic Collectors’ Bulletin – New Series, V1 N1 (Jan. 2004) – V1 N13 (Aug. 2008); two issues of Sir Edwards’ Magazine List (1947 – 48); a file of Richard Hatch publications and correspondence including 26 issues of the H & R Magic Book List with over a dozen signed pieces of correspondence between Hatch and Alfredson; and a file of Mario Carrandi Price Lists between N4 (Summer 1977) – N35 (1993), plus a file of correspondence between Carrandi and Alfredson. All loose issues. Condition generally good.

Potter & Potter