Bamberg, David (Fu Manchu). David Bamberg’s pay stubs from his employment with The Great Raymond. Argentina, 1926-27. Being the salary book of The Great Raymond and including two pay stubs signed by David Bamberg, who for a short time worked as an assistant and specialty act on Raymond’s show. Dozens of other receipts included, including several signed by Edmund Spreer. Binding broken but contents intact. First Bamberg stub torn. In Bamberg’s autobiography, he writes at length regarding the poor treatment he and other assistants received at the hands of their boss, Maurice Raymond. Bamberg eventually left Raymond’s employment clandestinely. To do so, Bamberg hid in the false compartment of Raymond’s Modern Cabinet illusion, waiting until the company left the theatre and its doors were locked. Then he came out of hiding: “I didn’t lie down for fear of oversleeping and I passed the longest five hours in my life.” By the time Raymond discovered his assistant’s departure, Bamberg had fled. He went on to become a great illusionist in his own right. Here, then, is a relic from early in Bamberg’s career, and a souvenir of a colorful chapter in the lives of two important stage magicians.

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