Home, D. D. Daniel Dunglas Home ALS. Circa 1855. Home writes to “Johnny” or “Jenny” from London on embossed stationery from Cox’s hotel, regarding personal matters including exchanging rings, and the duration of Home’s stay in London. One folded 4to sheet. Signed “Ever yours, D.D. Home.” Perhaps the most famous spirit medium of Victorian England, D.D. Home’s reputation grew based on his ability to apparently speak to the dead, levitate to varying heights, and produce spirit rappings at will. The phenomena he produced were sufficiently realistic to convince scores of witnesses of his powers. In fact, the owner of the hotel from which this letter was mailed, William Cox, allowed Home to live in his establishment at no charge, so strong was his belief. Houdini wrote extensively about the medium in his book A Magician Among the Spirits. Contemporary critics and proponents of Home’s included Thackeray, Browning, Trollope, Napoleon III, Michael Faraday, and Queen Sophia of The Netherlands.

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