City of New York Anti-Gambling Edict for a Tavern. [New York], ca. 1796. Owned by William Cook. This edict states that the license shall be revoked if licensee “shall keep a disorderly Inn or Tavern or suffer or permit any Cock Fighting, Gaming, or Playing with Cards or Dice, or keep any billiard table, or other Gaming Table, or Shuffle Board within the Inn or Tavern”. Signed by Mayor Richard Varick, 1796. 13 x 8 ½”. Page toned, overall good condition. Born in 1753, Richard Varick was a lawyer and a Patriot officer in the American Revolution, serving with distinction as Aide to Generals Philip Schuyler and Benedict Arnold. Later, George Washington entrusted him with the responsibility of editing of his wartime papers. In peacetime, Varick helped initiate the new Federalist-oriented government of New York City, becoming its mayor from 1789-1801.

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