Collection of Nineteenth Century Lithographs and Hand Colored Engravings. Various engravers, lithographers, and publishers. All either hand colored or full color lithographs, including “Now Bring them in, for I will play the cook” (England, ca. 1780s); “What means all this?” (England, ca. 1780’s); “Ladies of a Mandarin’s Family at Cards” (London, 1868); “Men playing cards” (L. Boilly, France, 1825); “The Christmas Academics. Playing a Rubber at Whist” (London, n.d.); Puck (New York: November 22, 1882) front cover in German, depicting Political caricature “Va Banque”; “Symptoms with anxiety being represented by card game” (London, 1822); “Dr. Syntax at a Card Party” (London, 1822); “Play at Crockford’s Club” (1843); “Count D’Orsay Calling a Main” (n.d.); and others. Sizes vary. Condition varies from good to very good.

Potter & Potter