283. [Ephemera and Correspondence] Massive archive of vintage and contemporary magic ephemera. Being Bill King’s lifetime accumulation of correspondence (from Little Johnny Jones, Robert Lund, and countless others); research files (regarding Cardini, Dai Vernon, Ray-Mond, Houdini, Tommy Windsor, Fra Diavolo (a great quantity), and many, many more); clippings, programs, autographs, brochures, promotional material, a multitude of signed photos for significant and lesser known magicians (Vin Carey, Joan Brandon, Louis Chaudet, Willard the Wizard, John Snyder, Louis Tannen, and others); the whole complemented by various publications, playbills, broadsides, unsigned photographs, manuscripts, records, greeting cards, and miscellaneous ephemera, for hundreds of magicians or magic related organizations, manufacturers, and dealers (Abbott’s, Viking Mfg. Co., Joe Berg, Merv Taylor, Phil Thomas, and dozens more). Files are neatly organized alphabetically, and include names such as Joe Berg, Edgar Bergen, Brema, Bev Bergeron, Chanin, Uri Geller, Walter Gibson, John Giordmaine, Gogia Pasha (including a color window card), Will Goldston, et al. Meticulously kept, with most contents in plastic sleeves, as purchased by Bill King, some with original purchase prices still affixed. Original cost totaling many thousands of dollars. Countless thousands of items, with an estimated weight of nearly 500 lbs., and filling 16 large cartons. 1910s-2000s. Condition generally good. Should be seen.

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