[Correspondence] Archive of correspondence addressed to William J. Hilliar. Over 55 ALSs and TLSs from many great magicians of the 1930s, addressed to Hilliar during his tenure as editor of the “Magic and Magicians” page of Billboard magazine. Among those magicians represented are F.G. Thayer, McDonald Birch, Thomas C. Worthington III, W.W. Durbin, L.L. Ireland, Al Munroe, Princess Yvonne, Grover George, Royal V. Heath, Harry Opel, and dozens more. Many on pictorial letterheads with interesting content. Condition generally very good. Hilliar (1876 – 1936), the son of a newspaper editor, learned the craft of writing as young man. He penned and ghost-wrote several popular technical books on magic and hand shadows, and was the founder and editor of The Sphinx magazine. His primary occupation, however, was as an adept magician. In later years, he worked as an advance man for several circuses. Hilliar was the first to edit a column on magic in a modern theatrical paper, “Magic and Magicians,” in The Billboard.

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