Haines, Ronald. One page TLS regarding the origin of the Invisible Deck trick. Dated May 2, 1973, Ronald Haines writes to Don Alan McWethy (Don Alan), stating: “The Invisible Deck or Imaginary Deck with Routine was presented to me (Ronald Haines) by Eddie Fields and Don Alan in the year of 1952. … I have manufactured this deck since that time in my shop.” One 4to sheet on three-color letterhead, signed “Ronald Haines.” Arguably the most popular and powerful card trick of the twentieth century, in the years since its genesis, the Invisible Deck has become a best-selling product used by countless thousands of magicians. In working, a volunteer pantomimes removing a card from an invisible pack, reverses it, and replaces it in the deck. The cards are then “made visible,” and amazingly, only one card is seen face down in an otherwise face-up deck - the very same card reversed by the spectator. This letter is addressed to one of the trick’s originators, Don Alan. Alan himself was one of the most popular magicians of the twentieth century, and influenced virtually every close-up magician of his era and beyond. Much of his appeal stemmed from his ability to create powerful and direct tricks, like the Invisible Deck.

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