Seven Sets of Cigar Bands with Playing Cards. (1) Ernst Casimir #370 series of 32 Speelkaarten, Holland, n.d., Exc (mounted with stamp hinge). (2) Ernst Casimir #332 series of 32 Speelkaarten, n.d., Exc. (3) Ernst Casimir #S.372.32 series of 32 Speelkaarten, Holland, n.d., Exc. (4) Ernst Casimir #S.373.32 series of 32 Speelkaarten, Holland, n.d., Exc. (5) Murillo “Oude Speelkaarten” Series of 36, 1981, Exc (mounted with stamp hinge). (6) TAF series of 24 Speelkaarten, 1975, Exc. (7) Condora series of 53, date unknown, Exc. All sets complete and Exc., mounted with stamp hinges. For the card collecting cigar smoker.

Potter & Potter