Three vintage card cases and accessories. Including: a pebbled leather playing card case with drawer of poker chips and deck of cards, Johnston-Morehouse–Dickey Co., Mill & Mine Supplies, Pittsburgh, PA. USPC, ca. 1920. 52 + J, F. Drawer holds 100 chips (50 white, 25 red, 25 blue), edge split on cover; Pebbled leather playing card case with poker chips and deck of cards, Ivory Bridge #93, USPC, ca. 1906. 52 + J, VG, two rows of poker chips (13 red, 15 blue, 27 white). Hoch. US16c; and a pebbled leather “Tourist Game Set” with bakelite rack of red, white & blue poker chips and misc. Sandusky Cement Co., Cleveland, Ohio Playing Cards, ca. 1930.

Potter & Potter