[Trade Cards] 150 Optical Illusion trade and cigarette cards. British sets, including Optical Illusions, complete set of 25 cards, Major Drapkin, [1926]; Optical Illusions (larger format), 24 of 25, Major Drapkin, [1926]; Optical Illusions, complete set of 25, Ringer, Edward & Bigg, [1936]; Optical Illusions, complete set of 25, Faulkner, [1935]; Optical Illusions, 14 of 25, Goodwin, [1930]; Optical Illusions, complete set of 25, Ogdens, [1923]; Optical Illusions, complete set of 25, Phillips, Godfrey, Ltd., [1927]; and Monster Collection of Spoofs (1), 1934; in an album.

Potter & Potter