[Miscellaneous – Engravings and Lithographs] Two Color Engravings, Kellar newspaper advertisement, and engraving of Macallister the Wizard. Hand-colored engraving of London’s Egyptian Hall (ca. 1857), 4 x 3”; a color engraving entitled “Masquerades and Operas, Burlington Gate,”(n.d.), 8 x 7”; a complete Feb. 6, 1897 issue of the broadsheet New York Dramatic Mirror, the back page bearing a lithographed advertisement for Kellar’s performance at Brooklyn Park Theater; and the front page of the Nov. 1, 1851 broadsheet newspaper Gleason’s Pictorial Drawing Room Companion, bearing a half-page lithograph of Macallister the Wizard. Engravings matted, the Egyptian Hall matting soiled in the upper left corner. Condition otherwise generally good.

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