[Miscellaneous – History & Biography] Group of 25 recent illustrated quarto volumes on the history of magic, conjurors, magic manufacturers, and more. Including The P & L Book (Signed) by Walker and Seaver; Of Legerdemaine and Diverse Juggling Knacks by Braun; Annotated Discoverie of Witchcraft by Forrester; Pleasant Nightmares, The Great Raymond, and S.S. Adams: High Priest of Pranks by William Rauscher; Genius of Robert Harbin by Lewis; three books by Ricky Jay; Our Life of Magic by Thurston, Shepard and Olson (Signed by Jane Thurston Shepard); Life and Times of Alexander by Beckmann; Willard by Charvet; Ghostmasters by Walker; Arcade Dreams by Racherbaumer and Marlo; 100 Years of Magic Posters by Reynolds; and others. 4tos. Illustrated, most in color. Very good or near fine condition.

Potter & Potter