[Miscellaneous] Lot of 13 vintage supply catalogs, with enclosures and ephemera. Including three Langworthy & Co. Club Equipment (Detroit, ca. 1950s); Mills Bell-O-Matic 1949 Catalog (Chicago); three T.R. King & Co. catalogs (Los Angeles, ca. 1930s – 40s), each lacking either one or two leaves; two O.C. Novelty Co. Perfect Dice (Oklahoma City, ca. 1960s); B.C. Wills & Co. Practical Equipment (Detroit, 1942), 159pp, lacking one leaf; H.C. Edwards & Co. Perfect Dice (New York, ca. 1940s), one page clipped; H.C. Evans & Co. Secret Blue Book (Chicago, 1936), lacking one leaf; Ewing Casino Equipment (Las Vegas, 1967); and a scrapbook containing more than a dozen pieces of supplier ephemera and enclosures, including H.C. Edwards Confidential Price List (ca. 1940s); Joe Treybal Dice Price List (ca. 1940s); The Story of S.F. Dice Co. and other S.F. Dice ephemera (ca. 1940s); and more, either stapled or taped down.

Potter & Potter