[History] Group of more than 40 books and monographs on the history of magic, magicians, and related subjects. Including White Magic [1936] by Jasper Maskelyne; Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of the Crowds (1972) by Charles Mackay; Phantoms of the Card Table (2003) by David Britland (with “Gazzo”); Fact and Fable in Psychology (1900) by Joseph Jastrow; Words About Wizards (1994) by Robert Parrish; Extending Magic Beyond Credibility (20010 by John Booth; Howard Thurston Unmasked (2006) by Grace Thurston; History of The Shadow Magazine (1974) by Will Murray; Beating a Dead Horse: Life and Times of Jay Marshall (2010) by Alexander Marshall; and others. Sizes and bindings vary. Generally good condition.

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