Chaos. Nick Williams, et al. NV N# (Jul. 1968) – N 36 (Aug. 1975/Mar. 1976). Complete file, including all supplements, ‘Intro’ issue, and N11 issued later by Mel Stover to fill a gap in the original run. Accompanied by correspondence from Stover and Micky Hades regarding the file, and a typed outline by Stover describing the content and form of each issue. In a red cloth drop spine box. Alfredson/Daily 1545. Scarce. Ostensibly a newsletter of the Magician’s Society of Winnipeg, I.B.M. Ring 40, Chaos was, in fact, an irreverent sheet filled with puzzles, gossip, juvenile magic-themed humor, and explanations of tricks. According to an ALS included with this file, perhaps 50 copies of N11 were issued, making complete files of the journal uncommon if not scarce.

Potter & Potter