[Wee Books] Group of 46 magic-themed “wee” books. Primarily American, 1910s – 80s. Including examples from the Haldeman-Julius Monthly “little blue book” series by Hereward Carrington (Hindu Magic Self Taught, Ventriloquism Self Taught, Gambler’s Crooked Tricks, Side-Show Tricks Explained, The Handbook of Swindling, etc.); The Pocket Trickster (1910), 24 Tricks from Your Vest Pocket (Magic House of Charles, ca. 1940), 10 Magic Tricks You Can Do by Loring Campbell (signed, ca. 1940), “All Change” blow book, (ca. 1940), Secrets of the Successful Hypnotist (1920), Pocket Dictionary of Japes Wangles Spoofs (signed by Stanley Collins, ca. 1938), The Book of Magic & Christmas Conjuring (Boys’ Magazine Wonder Book Series No. 2, signed by Stanley Collins), and more. Most in pictorial paper wrappers, with illustrations. Generally good condition.

Potter & Potter