[Wee Books] Collection of 98 German magic-themed “wee” books. A wide range of titles, including Magische Neuheiten and Magisches Shatzkastlein by Conradi, Pietro Belachini’s Zauberkabinet, Der Humoristische Tachenispieler by Dr. Max Feder, Der Zauberkustler in der Westentasche and Der Kartenkunstler in der Westentrasche by Max Wesel; a 17-volume “Miniatur-Bibliotheck” including conjuring, jokes and similar material; another 20-volume series with similar contents; and many more. Primarily 1900s – 50s. Most 12mo – 24mo, in pictorial colored paper wrappers, with two in bright blue pebbled cloth, and one “thumb”-size volume. Generally good condition.
Potter & Potter