[Miscellaneous] Lot of more than 90 books on magic including histories, biographies, and other general works. Including The Riddle of Chung Ling Soo (1955; Signed) by Will Dexter; Murray (1974), Goodnight Mr. Dante (1978), and A Gift from the Gods (1981) by Val Andrews; The Magician and the Cinema (1981) by Erik Barnouw; We Remember Dante (1993) by Joel Ray; Nothing Up My Sleeve (1938) by Douglas Beaufort; Harbincadabra (1979) by Robert Harbin; Victorian Magic (1976) by Geoffrey Lamb; The Vernon Chronicles: Volume Four (1992) by Bruce Cervon; Same Man-Different Clothes (1993) by James Reilly; Broadcast Conjuring Tricks (1930) by Cyril Shields; Principles and Deception (1948) by Arthur Buckley; Modern Coin Magic (1952) by J.B. Bobo; Spherical Sorcery & Recollections of a Pro (1973) by Maurice Rooklyn; The Man Who Was Erdnase (1991) by Bart Whaley; Illusion Show (1991) by David Bamberg; and many others. Sizes and bindings vary. Condition generally very good.

Potter & Potter