[Miscellaneous] Selection of 23 illustrated volumes on magicians, automata, magic manufacturers, and other subjects. Including The P & L Book (1992) by Walker and Seaver; J.N. Hofzinser Non Plus Ultra (1998) by Magic Christian; Automata (Magic Circle Foundation, 1989) by J.N. Maskelyne; Sugden The Magician (2007) by Gary Frank; Pleasant Nightmares: Dr. Neff and His Madhouse of Mystery (2008) by Williams Rauscher, plus other works on spook shows; Dante: The Devil Himself (1991) by Phil Temple; Extraordinary Exhibitions (2005), Dice (2002), and Celebrations of Curious Characters (2011) by Ricky Jay; Stage Flying (1995) and The Hanlon Brothers (1998) by John McKinven, both Signed; David Abbott’s Book of Mysteries (1977) by Abbott; and others, some Signed. Predominantly cloth 4tos. Condition generally good to very good.

Potter & Potter