[Miscellaneous – Classics] Eleven classics of conjuring from Fleming and others. Five volumes from the Fleming Magic Classics series, including A Conjuring Mélange (1947) by Collins; Sleight of Hand (1946) by Sachs; The Fine Art of Magic (1948) by Kaplan; Magic Without Apparatus (1945) by Gaultier; and Our Magic (1946) by Maskelyne and Devant; complemented by four books by Dariel Fitzkee, including Trick Brain (1944); Showmanship for Magicians (1943); Magic by Misdirection (1945); and Card Expert Entertains (1948); and two books by Edward Victor, including Magic of the Hands (ca. 1937); and Further Magic of the Hands (1946). Generally well illustrated, cloth, 8vos. Condition generally good.

Potter & Potter