[Miscellaneous – Classics] Shelf of twenty-one classic and vintage works on conjuring, magic, and puzzles. Including Sharps and Flats (1894) by Maskelyne; Letters on Natural Magic (1833) by Brewster; Ponsin on Conjuring (1937) by Ponsin and Sharpe; Twentieth Century Magic (1898) by Hopkins; Magic: Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions (1897) by Hopkins; two editions of Modern Magician’s Hand Book (1902) by Hilliar; Magicians’ Tricks (1919) by Hatton and Plate; Sixty Sleights (1925) by George Johnson (pub.)/The Magic Wand; The Book of Magic (1924) by Collins; Magical Mysteries (1929) by The McElhones; Illustrated Magic (1931) by Fischer; titles on allied arts including Ventriloquism (1906) by Olin; Practical Telepathy (1924) by Ovette; Sam Loyd’s Cyclopedia of 5000 Puzzles, Tricks, and Conundrums (1914); and others. Most illustrated. Predominantly 8vo. Condition varies from fair to very good; some with bindings in need of repair, loose leaves, soiling and other wear.

Potter & Potter