[Miscellaneous] More than 35 classic and modern books and booklets on gambling, games, and cheating. Including Marked Cards and Loaded Dice (1962) by Garcia; Secrets of Gambling (1980) by Miller; The Gambling World (1968) by Rouge et Noir, and other reprint booklets including Poker to Win (1980s), Protection (1970s) by Meyer, Card Sharpers: Their Tricks Exposed (1990s), Spotlight on the Card Sharp (1980s), Marked Cards (1970) by Raymond, and Gambling and Gambling Devices (1969) by Quinn; Cheating at Cards (n.d.) by Lampkin; booklets by Radner including How to Spot Card Sharps (1957) and Radner on Dice (1957); Light Come, Light Go (1909) by Nevill; with miscellaneous titles on card games, gambling history, and related subjects. Nice Lot.

Potter & Potter