Trost, Nick. Collection of over 90 Nick Trost card and packet tricks. Possibly a complete collection of tricks with trick cards as issued by Nick Trost of Columbus, Ohio over the course of 30+ years. Included are over 75 packet tricks, most with specially printed cards on Aviator and Bicycle stock; as well as over 15 prepared and/or specially printed decks of cards for various tricks of Trost’s creation. Packet tricks are neatly organized in four three-ring binders, each with accompanying directions; card tricks and decks also neatly organized, and with necessary instructions. 1970s – 2000s. High original cost. Condition generally very good or as new. One of the most prolific inventors of gimmicked card tricks of the twentieth century, Trost was also an author and magazine columnist who devised hundreds if not thousands of card effects using unprepared cards. An impressive archive of his publications is being offered in this auction.

Potter & Potter