Houdini, Harry. Houdini TL to Hardeen on mourning stationery, regarding their mother’s death. New York, August 13, 1913. Houdini, with his characteristic misspellings, writes to his brother: “Hope you are finding work O.K. and that you are bearing our loss with fortitude. I hope that after I once get to work, that this terrible blow will be softened with time, but the more I grieve, the more I know what we have lost. I am feeling better, but cannot sleep at nights. … The Edison Co. made me 2 records of my Darling Mothers old record. The craking sound is heard, but now have that at least to listen to. The record is dated Plymouth England August 18th 1909. Hope alls well regards as ever your bowed down with grief brother H.H.” Old fold from mailing; very good. Much has been made about Houdini’s love for his mother. Cecelia Steiner Weiss passed away just over one month before this letter was written, on July 7, 1913, while Houdini was on tour in Europe. When he learned of her passing, he canceled his travel plans and returned to New York.

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