Houdini, Harry. ALS from Houdini to Hardeen regarding the Margery case. March 5, 1925. Houdini writes on hotel stationery, “D.B. [Dear Brother] Dash, File this away for future reference. It speaks for itself. You see Munn took Birds [sic] part & the suprest [suppressed] pages mak[e] a liar out of not only Bird but O.D. Munn & an educated man like Munn feels the hurt of being proven a liar!! Houdini.” A marginal note in Houdini’s hand states, “I mailed Dr. Free the original today.” Old folds, else very good. Signed by Houdini. The men mentioned in Houdini’s letter all took part in the controversial test of the spiritualist medium Mina Crandon, known as Margery. Houdini was part of a committee that tested Margery’s apparent powers. Scientific American magazine published the committee’s findings, and Houdini authored a small booklet exposing Margery’s methods.

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