[Automata] Group of nine books on automata. Including Automata: The Golden Age (Sotheby’s, 1987) by Christian Bailly; The Wonderland of Music Boxes and Automata (Les Editions du Cochet, 1989) by Daniel Troquet; The Clockwork Universe: German Clocks and Automata 1550-1650 (Neal Watson, 1980) by Klaus Maurice and Otto Mayr (eds.); The Mechanical Dolls of Monte Carlo (Rizzoli, 1985); Faszinierende Welt der Automaten (Callwey, 1983) by Annette Beyer; Automata and Mechanical Toys (Jupiter, 1976) by Mary Hillier; Les Automates (1972); Museum of Automata (1992) by Andrea Robertson; and The Jacquet-Droz Mechanical Puppets (1971) by Chapuis and Droz. Sizes and bindings vary, though predominantly heavy, color illustrated 4tos. Condition generally very good.

Potter & Potter