Twenty Five Cent Working Model/ The Drunkard’s Dream Arcade Machine. London, ca. 1935. Wooden claw- footed floor model (71 x 23 1?2 x 21”) painted in teal, black, and silver. Originally built as a digger or crane machine. As stocking prizes became difficult during the war, it was converted to The Drunkard’s Dream. A drunkard sits in a liquor cellar surrounded by casks and shelves of bottles. When a quarter is inserted, he is bombarded by a variety of real and imagined creatures including a ghost, snake, and rat, which pop out of barrels, from under the staircase and behind the shelving. Some restoration including minor hardware replacement, repainting, and conversion from a penny to a quarter machine; fac?ade chipped at lower left front corner, otherwise normal age wear. Working.

Potter & Potter