[Gambling–History] Group of more than 50 books on the history of gambling, gaming and related subjects. Including Professional Criminals of America (1969) by Byrnes, The Gaming Table (1969) by Steinmetz, in two volumes; The Black Book and the Mob (1995) by Farrell and Case; Hawkers and Walkers in Early America (1927) by Richardson Wright, Players: The Men Who Made Las Vegas (1997) by Norman Sheehan, Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi (1968) by Devol; By Chance a Winner (1972) by George Sullivan, Something for Nothing (1956) by Clyde Davis, Hell & Hazard (1969) by Henry Blyth, English Sports and Pastimes (1949) by Chrstina Hole, History of Gambling in England (1968) by John Ashton; a collection of illustrated histories and guides to slot and other coin-op machines, gambling chips, poker, con men and hustlers, and other subjects; finally, a sampling of books on the history of playing cards, including Jessel and Horr’s Bibliographies of Works on Playing Cards & Gaming (1972), History and Origin of Playing Cards (1935) by Zovello, and Chatto on Playing Cards (1848) in fair condition. Predominantly 8vo. Condition generally good or very good.

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