Connie Haden Cups. Brooklyn, Conrad Haden, ca. 1959. Set of three finely spun silver plated cups. Mouths 2 5/8” diameter, 2 7/8” high. Very good. Rare. Paul Fox’s famous design for cups was conceived and produced in 1932. Some 27 years later, Connie Haden of Brooklyn – known for the gimmicked coin tricks he manufactured – was asked to produce a set of cups that would be endorsed by Tony Slydini. In all likelihood, he worked from a photograph to create the cups, though others have postulated that Haden borrowed Dai Vernon’s set of Fox cups and used them as a model. These were spun in limited quantities - approximately two dozen sets – and were available for only a short period of time. Fewer than half that number has survived the intervening half-century. This is one of those sets.

Potter & Potter