[Brochures] An accumulation of over 50 magicians' advertising brochures of various sizes and dates. Included are advertising for the following performers: Ormond McGill, Brush, Roberta, Dante (several pieces, including one die cut), Chandu, Guy Stanley, Reno, Weirdo, Benzon, La Vier, Prof. Neil, Alpigini, Thurston, LaFollette, The Great Vontella & Co., G. Larsen, Newmann, Frank Lane, Lindhorst, Madame Reno, The Great Raymond, Wallace, Mildred and Rouclere, The Amazing Rooklyn (die cut), S.S. Henry, Mysterious Smith, Carl Rosini, Betty Jane Kolar, Tanit-Ikao, Gogia Pasha, and many more. Most 8vo. 1900s-1960s. Generally good condition. Should be seen.

Potter & Potter