Ross, Faucett. Archive of 116 letters from Faucett Ross to Bruce Cervon. This archive spans the years 1966-1972. Ross, writing in his characteristic longhand, writes at length about tricks and routining, magicians, gossip, books, Dai Vernon, and shares detailed "inside" information with Cervon, as well as plans for the publication of Vernon's Revelations. Letters range in length from short notes to three double-sided pages; most are on blank note paper, and some bear notations in Cervon's hand (in some cases, this is to decipher Ross's handwriting). Included is one letter from Ross to Vernon dated July 9, 1967 (sent to Cervon by Ross, and mentioning a proposed book called Complete Vernon) and another from Ross to Walter Graham of Omaha. Condition generally good. A unique archive of significant historic value containing a vast quantity of unpublished information. Should be seen.

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