[Correspondence] Bruce Cervon's personal archive of magic correspondence and trick files. Over 500 individual documents, including dozens of letters from some of the best-posted sleight-of-hand magicians of the 20th century. These files, used and maintained by Bruce Cervon throughout his life includes some of the most coveted published and unpublished secrets of magic. Included are correspondence from, manuscripts by and miscellaneous ephemera related to the following: Ross Bertram, Charles T. Jordan, Ken Brooke, Ron Bauer (over 60 pages), Milton Kort, Brother John Hamman, Gerald Kosky, Mel Brown (over 50 pages), Francis Carlyle, Alex Elmsley, Al Baker, Bert Allerton, Paul Curry, R.W. Hull, Derek Dingle, Lewis Ganson (to Vernon, Ross and Cervon), Michael Skinner, Bob Hummer, two thick files of vintage instructions sheets and much, much more. Neatly organized in alphabetized file folders. 1960s – 2000s. Condition generally good. Should be seen

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