Includes four Margaret Sutton books "The Riddle of the Double Ring: A Judy Bolton Mystery", "The Secret of the Musical Tree: A Judy Bolton Mystery", "The Invisible Chimes: A Judy Bolton Mystery", "Seven Strange Clues: A Judy Bolton Mystery", as well as "Bowser the Hound" by Thornton W. Burgess, "Rose in Bloom" by Louisa May Alcott, "Five Little Peppers and How They Grew" by Margaret Sidney, "The Little Burgess Bird Book" by Thornton W. Burgess, "Dance to the Piper" by Agnes De Mille, "My Cousin Rachel" by Daphne Du Maurier, "Beverly Gray on a Treasure Hunt" by Clair Bank, "Beverly Gray's Romance" by Clair Blank, "Beverly Gray in the Orient" by Clair Blank, and "Beverly Gray Sophomore" by Clair Blank; condition of all ranges from Fair to Poor.