Hugard, Jean and Frederick Braue. Expert Card Technique. London, 1961. Third edition, second printing. Publisher's cloth with jacket. Illustrated. Thick 8vo. Jacket and extremities worn; good condition. INSCRIBED AND SIGNED ON THE FFEP "LARRY JENNINGS, THE FELLOW WHO HAS INSPIRED ME A LOT. BEAUTIFUL WORK, LARRY. CHARLIE E. MILLER. THIS DAY IS A FRIDAY, NOV. 13, 1964." ADDITIONAL INSCRIPTION ON THE TITLE PAGE READS "THANK YOU JEAN FOR THE TRUTH, DAI VERNON THANKSGIVING NOV. 27 1986." The first edition of Expert Card Technique was the source of some controversy, as many of the sleights and tricks explained in its pages were not credited to their creator, Dai Vernon. The third edition, offered here "tells the truth," as Vernon's inscription states, crediting Vernon accurately, and includes additional material by Vernon and Dr. Daley not available in earlier editions of the book.

Potter & Potter