Cervon, Bruce. Bruce Cervon's First Castle Notebook. [Hollywood, 1964 - 1965]. 60 4to sheets of handwritten notes on how to perform close-up magic tricks written by Bruce Cervon and Larry Jennings, and compiled during their time at The Magic Castle with Dai Vernon. The first four pages of notes are in Larry Jennings' hand, copied directly from Cervon's own notebooks; the balance are in an unknown cursive script and also duplicate Cervon's notes. These notes outline the working of numerous tricks (Vernon Foolers," among them), and are occasionally accompanied by crude hand-drawn diagrams explaining effects and sleights. The handwritten notebook includes, in Cervon's block-capital hand lettering, a bibliography of published and unpublished tricks devised by Dai Vernon. This notebook is accompanied by three others, each made up of carbon copies of other Cervon Castle Notebooks. The group was given to Larry Jennings by Bruce Cervon. Notes are written and printed on three-hole punched sheets and gathered together in four green three-ring fiberboard binders.

Potter & Potter