Six piece collection of vintage automobile paper ephemera comprising of a 1938 "Handbook for Pontiac Owners" paper brochure/booklet, produced by General Motors Sales Corporation, 96 pages; a "Chevrolet for 1935 Master Deluxe Line" original full color advertising brochure; a 1930s Conoco Touraide spiral bound road travel document with maps, distance information and write ups on locations and landmarks, marked on front "Prepared Especially for G.E. Strickland" and produced by Conoco Travel Bureau, Denver, Colorado; a "1940 Dodge Luxury Liner" full color paper brochure; a 1937 Pontaic Motor Company Shop Manual with black and silver accented Art Deco soft cover, 212 pages; and a 1939 Pontiac Motor Division Shop Manual for 1939 Models with soft red and white cover depicting hood of car, 231 pages.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery