Archive of Ascending Dragon memorabilia. Cardini played a leading role – a speaking part -- in this production, which opened in Boston in 1935. This archive includes Cardini’s own script for the play, with his annotations; a second working script also annotated; telegrams of congratulations from Dai Vernon, William Morris, and others; photographs; a small scrapbook of press notices; Cardini’s contract to appear in the play, signed; and more. A fascinating archive. Condition of articles varies from poor to very good. Should be seen. The Ascending Dragon, by Frederick Jackson, opened with a performance of Cardini’s vaudeville act. He performed other tricks, including a question-and-answer mind-reading routine with Swan at other points in the show. An entire chapter of John Fisher’s 2007 biography of Cardini is devoted to The Ascending Dragon and Cardini’s participation in the production. Fisher writes, in part, “The Ascending Dragon had provided the Welshman with the best opportunity he would ever have of being recognized by those able to offer him a ticket to Hollywood… One can only speculate whether he would have succeeded there had fortune been kinder.” Incidentally, Porgy and Bess opened in Boston at the same time as this production.

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