[Books and Periodicals] Accumulation of magic books and booklets. Including incomplete files of The Budget and other serial publications, as well as four cartons of paper and clothbound books on conjuring and its allied arts. Titles include, Behind the Scenes with the Mediums by David P. Abbott (1912), The Odin Rings by Victor Farelli (1931), Here's Magic by Hahne and Berg (1931), The Book of Modern Conjuring by Professor Kunard (ca. 1925), Dice Holdout Methods for Magicians by Jerry Mentzer (1974), The Lightning Artist by J.F. Burrows (ca. 1915), Magic for Entertaining (1944), Lecture Notes of The Fantastic Koran (1972), Be a Clown (1975), The Now You See it, Now You Don't Notebook by Bill Tarr (1998), a quantity of vintage S.A.M. directories, texts on puzzles, chalk talk, "fun" books and other works tangentially-related to magic, as well as a quantity of pulps, lecture notes and saddle-stitched booklets. 1910s – 2000s. Sizes and bindings vary; condition varies from poor to very good. Should be seen.

Potter & Potter