[Instruction Sheets] Large archive of vintage magic trick instruction sheets and manuscripts. Typed, handwritten and mimeographed instructions issued privately and commercially produced that reveal the secrets behind both sleight-of-hand effects and tricks requiring special apparatus. Instructions range from half-sheets of paper and note cards to multi-page, detailed treatises including patter and presentation suggestions. Authors and producers include many of the best-known 20th century magic dealers and publishers. Among those represented here are Al Baker, Tony Binarelli, Dr. Eugene L. Bulson, Albert Goshman, Robert Gysel (including information on fraudulent mediums and escapes), Harlan Tarbell, John Scarne, Louis Zingone, Abbott's Magic Co., S.S. Adams, Bagshawe, Davenport, Goldston, and many more. Several files of clipped instructions for tricks and a small quantity of scrapbooks of miscellaneous effects published for the general public also included, as well as an assortment of magician's lecture notes. Many instructions stamped by C.J. Maly, and possibly from his collection; one grouping of neatly-organized files appear to be from Miller's Magic Shop of Chicago. Over 3000 individual documents, contained in four large cartons. 1910s – 80s. Condition varies from poor to very good. Should be seen.

Potter & Potter