Ross, Faucett. Archive of 103 letters from Faucett Ross to Earl W. Violet. Penned in Ross' characteristic longhand and spanning the 1930s and 40s, these missives discuss tricks, gossip and magic-related ideas. Ross was a perpetual correspondent and wrote frequently with Charlie Miller, Paul Fox, Charles Maly, Bruce Cervon, and many other well-posted magicians. Earl Violet was one such magician who not only traded secrets with, but also built small props for Ross. Their correspondence frequently refers to the trading of various books and manuscripts between the men, complete routines and patter for various tricks, sketches for apparatus and gimmicks in Ross' hand, as well as the activities of various luminaries of the day, among them Annemann, T. Nelson Downs and Dai Vernon. In one letter, Ross mentions "this Chap Miller" who will visit him soon. This reference is, presumably, to the first meeting between Ross and Charles Earle Miller who would later become not only one of Ross' close friends (and frequent houseguest), but one of the most skilled sleight-of-hand magicians of the 20th century. Letters range in length from postcards to multiple pages; some are written on Ross' letterhead, while others are on blank notepaper. A fascinating and unmatchable archive of significant historic importance documenting magic's inner circle and its activities in the first half of the 20th century by men who lived and participated in it. Some letters show wear and folds as expected, b Read more…

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