Racherbaumer, Jon and Richard Kaufman. Don England's Gaffed to the Hilt. New York, 1985. Publisher's three-ring binder stamped in silver, as issued. Being number 11 from a limited edition of 110 copies, including all necessary handmade gimmicked cards tipped in to the book in glassine envelopes. The gimmicked cards in this set were custom made from Tom-Foolery playing cards by Don England, specifically for Tom Mullica. 4to. Printed envelope containing two decks of cards tattered at extremities, one Tom-Foolery card box crushed, but two extra boxes included, otherwise good condition. Uncommon. SIGNED BY KAUFMAN, DON ENGLAND AND JON RACHERBAUMER; SIGNED AND INSCRIBED TO TOM MULLICA BY JON RACHERBAUMER. A letter from co-author Richard Kaufman to Tom Mullica has been bound in to the rear of the book, stating, in part, "Below you will find an envelope containing a gaffed card that we originally planned to include in the book. Later, I decided to include only the tricks and let them make the gaff themselves. When England custom made your cards he also made one of these "tunnel gaffs." …I've included the text for the two tricks which use it on the following pages. No other copy of the books has these tricks or the gaffed card… ."

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