[Swedish Books] Group of 17 Swedish magic books. Including 52 Förbluffande Kort-Konster by Hector El Neco (1942), Den Gyllene Trolleri Boken by Clayton Rawson (1964), Hokus Pokus by Le' Dang (1945, inscribed and signed to Carl Waring Jones), Modern Magi For Amatorer by Olle Oson Lieberg (1948), Så Trollar Man by Charles Hogan (two editions, 1944), Svindlare Magiker Charlataner by A.C. Wilsmann and G. Lundgren (1939), Trollare oh andra underhallare by Christer Nilsson (1990), and others. Sizes and bindings vary. Some books signed. Condition generally good.

Potter & Potter