Anderson, John Henry. The Great Wizard of the North. London, R.S. Francis, 1855. Pictorial letterpress broadside (9 ½ x 29”) heralding Anderson’s appearance at the Royal Lyceum Theater. Bust portrait at top of bill, followed by considerable and detailed text in the form of a letter written by Anderson himself. Handsomely framed and glazed. One chip to frame. Expert restoration evident, including some image/text loss; B. Anderson’s lengthy missive, which fills the better part of the broadside, describes the production he will bring to this theater in London’s West End, his knowledge of séances and spiritualism, as well as his travels in America, and the various famous persons and royals he has performed for. In America, he states, “The aggregated of my American audiences amounted to little short of Three Millions, and comprised all classes, from the President at Washington to the Red Indian in the Forests of Florida.”

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