[Scrapbook] Scrapbook kept by R. C. Buff, aka "Claudio The Magician." Filled with early to mid- 20th century ephemera and photographs, including real photo postcards, including a complimentary pass signed by Thurston, a large number of playbills, programs, letters, letterheads, advertisements, etc. Some magicians represented include Houdini (large program from Keith's Hippodrome (foldout clipped on right side not affecting Houdini's program), Nelson Hahne (early full page drawing with inscription), Reno, Ovette, 1937 programs featuring Dell O'Dell, Ducrot, Holden, Al Baker, etc., Blackstone program (1925), Durbin (signed portrait), Wallace, Mitchell the Wizard photos including escape from handcuffs, and many newspaper clippings with some full page Thurston articles, Clinton Burgess and Mitchell correspondence to Claudio, T. Nelson Downs letterhead, Will Goldston TLS, postal covers (Goldin, Levante, Thorn letter and cover, Anneman autographed letterhead, Thomas Chew Worthington TLS, S.S. Henry broadside, and countless other items. Scrapbook disbound, but contents generally in good condition with many items pasted down at corners, others loose. Should be seen.

Potter & Potter