[Thayer and Christianer] Thirteen TLS from Louis Christianer and Floyd Thayer to C. J. Felsman with interesting content. Twelve letters on two different "The Magic Shop of the West" stationery, one on Thayer's elaborate letterhead. Most letters typed and signed by Christianer and including comments like, "LaFoleyette [sic] & Co., Sylvester and a couple of other magicians are in town. They beothr the life out of us with their new ideas and ext. We are doing some work for them and of course they want everything in ten minutes." "Nephew of Hermann [sic] the Great played here last week…He was in our place and wants us to fix up some junk for him." "I have withdrawn from the firm of Thayer & Christianer…" 1914-1918. All letters in good condition. With: a trimmed form letter signed by Jennie Thayer regarding renewing a subscription to Thayer's Magical Bulletin.

Potter & Potter