Ray Vision system. Dr. X, ca. 1997. An electronic system which allows a performer to see through certain types of opaque materials, including envelopes, cards, boxes, and more. The system makes available to the entertainer or his partner virtually any secret information, making it a tremendous tool for psychics, mindreading acts and magicians. Objects placed in an opaque box can be instantly seen by the performer or his partner, even if the performer is in a separate room from the proceedings and box. Additional applications allow the performer to instantly know cards face down on a table from a distance of as far as 50 feet, cards face down in a box, every card held in another person's hand, what cards are coming off the deck, or what the hole card is in Black Jack or Five Card Stud; it is equally easy to instantly and covertly obtain access to any information written on an opaque clipboard. The system can be performed by one or two persons, is self-contained, sets up quickly and can be easily transported. Originally sold in extremely limited quantities and Includes all necessary apparatus (clipboard, two boxes, and special cards), as well as electronic equipment, chargers, custom carrying case, and instructions. Very good condition.

Potter & Potter