Collecting] Magic collecting periodicals and publications. A group of books, magazines and more, including partial files of the following periodicals: Collectors' Bulletin (Roger Montandon) The Magical Bookie (S.R. Patrick), and The Magic Collectors Reprint Series (Walter Graham); and the following publications: Collectanea (inscribed by J.B. Findlay), Conjuring Books 1580 to 1850 by Edgar Heyl (1963; signed by Heyl), Cues for Collectors by Edgar Heyl (1964), Magicana, an Illustrated Catalog of Books issued by A. Margery (1924), two "Lucille" catalogs (Nos. 1 and 4), Three Leo Rullman catalogs, Museum of the City of New York Bulletin VIII, No. 4, containing an essay by John Mulholland, and others. Sizes and bindings vary. Condition generally good.

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