Burger, Eugene. Group of eleven Eugene Burger magic books, some signed. Including four clothbound volumes: The Experience of Magic (1989), The Performance of Close-Up Magic (1987), Spirit Theatre (1986 first edition with record), and Strange Ceremonies (1991, inscribed and signed to Tom Mullica); and seven publications in paper wraps, including Audience Involvement…A Lecture (1983), The Craft of Magic (1984, inscribed and signed to Tom Mullica), Eugene Burger on Matt Schulien's Fabulous Card Discoveries (1983), Intimate Power (1983, inscribed and signed to Tom Mullica), Rediscoveries (1994), The Secrets of Restaurant Magic (1983), and Secrets and Mysteries for the Close-Up Entertainer (1982, inscribed "For Tom Mullica, whose wonderful wallet has helped pay my rent for over a year. Thank you!"). Sizes and bindings vary. Condition generally good. Should be seen.
Potter & Potter