[Close-Up Magic] Group of 14 books about close-up magic. Including The Art of Close-Up Magic Vols. 1 and 2 by Lewis Ganson (ca. 1977), The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings by Mike Maxwell (1986), Close-Up Presentation by John Mendoza (1974), Darwin's Thumb Tip Miracles by Gary Darwin (1981, inscribed and signed to Tom Mullica), Eddie Fechter's Dice Holdout Methods for Magicians by Jerry Mentzer (1974), Life Savers by Michael Weber (1991), Magic of the Hands, More Magic of the Hands and Further Magic of the Hands by Edward Victor (v.d.), Magician Nitely the Magic of Eddie Fechter by Jerry Mentzer (1974), Martin Gardner Presents by Martin Gardner (1993), The New Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo (1972), and Stars of Magic (1961). Sizes and bindings vary; generally good condition. All with Mullica's blind-stamp. Should be seen.

Potter & Potter